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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The 100 rupee note

"Today's our last class, so if u have any questions, any confusions throughout the course; u may ask me".

"Ok then, read seriously, do your work, and read more. You all have a good future ahead".

"Now, i would reward some of u for ur work. Throughout the course, i felt Ramesh's performance best................"

when this was announced at the last class of e-commerce, i was carried away, back to a year. A year ago when this was started.

2008 dec 22nd.......the day which brought all evils in my life. Before this day, i was confident, the center of attraction, the best student, the best son and more important the satisfied man. I was satisfied and thankful to god for my life.

But the day came to my life which brought me a lot of promises. It was easy for me to believe in the mirage, the illusion; which actually carried a lot of pains. I was carried away from my best features slowly and slowly. I was lost in the dream, the dream which could not be real in any case. And then when i recognized it, it was quite late. I wake up only to find myself thrown away in gutter. But I always remembered the values of my life, on which I was standing. I remembered the saying of Ram's guru in Ramayan "if u have tensions and problems, then don't go on solving them one by one; just find the root and remove it from your life." That's why Ram left away Sita.(This has been the most effective way for me to solve my problems through out my life).

Although it was quite painful, i did it because doing it was to save me, my career and my family. It was for everyone's sake. Well, i gave away my unfulfillable dreams and left away the cause of my tensions and problems. But even after one year, I couldnt get up and get back all that i deserve.

Until this day, when my performance was declared the best, i never felt thet i could get up and fight back. But now i feel like fighting again, fighting for all those things which were confiscated from me. God has always helped me through evens and odds. And this is the sign i was praying him for this whole year. Thanks god.

".......so i am giving you people some reward. Please don't go on the monetary value of it, rather feel that i am only recognizing your work."
"don't feel that i am giving this to u, rather feel that u really deserve it. And this is also for encouraging you".
"So i am giving this 100 rupee to reward Ramesh for his performance"
i don't know where i was lost at that moment, i was quite emotional because i was really longing for this moment to come and i was anxious about my career.
"Ramesh, please come here...."

i went there with uneasiness not really believing in what i heard. No one had rewarded me with rupee. Had it been any gift or anything other, i would not have felt so uneasy.

Any ways i received it and there was a click of the camera. Then, I felt that it was the reality.................

Thank you sir..... u don't know what it means to me. You have given me my lost confidence, the most important feature of mine without which Ramesh is always incomplete......

Now i really feel like fighting back..........

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